So, not to be discouraged, I decided to enjoy my time off by going to bed early (yes, I don't GET to do this while working because I'm always up late grading, or making lunch for the next day, or I don't know, but I'm always up!). I'm really bad at this, but I actually like to go to bed early so I can get up early and enjoy the day - but I tend to go to bed late, get up early and drag through the day - it's stupid, I know... anyway, back to my break -
Thursday I was able to go the Salt Lake Temple and enjoyed a very nice live session! It was so nice to be able to be there and I was grateful to be able to relax while enjoying the spirit of the temple. After my session I joined in a "mini" sealing session, which was fantastic... we single gals don't get to do those too often, since it's hard to act as proxy when ya don't have a man in tote to do so... That night I went to institute and again, enjoyed the lesson... it was a "churchy" day.
Friday consisted of WORK and SHOPPING - my two favorite things! So, maybe I don't "enjoy" the actually cleaning, but I LOVE the feeling when something is organized and cleaned up! I chose to attack the project called "garage"... I finally organized my Flower Business - yes, I feel like I have a mini "shop" in the garage now! LOVE IT (I'm the only one who really cares about it, but I don't care! It's going to be so nice!) (P.S. my Mom did help me a ton with the garage... must give credit!). Then, in true Ellison fashion, we did a little "therapy" session... We went shopping to help fill some of the "gaps" in the decor of my house - a corner here, a table there... We went to two "decor" stores (Tia Pan & Osmands in Lehi - Osmands ROCKS!), IKEA for some of the garage "accessories" and then a stop at Home Depot, to get the "tool rack" for the garage :) When we got home, we put everything up, and it feels like a new place - again :) Good times (Thanks Mom!)
Saturday - Gym, 8:30 babysitting and then conference, store, conference, soccer game... "busy" but fun day. My game was SUPRER intense, and though the "show off" team we played was WAY too good to be in our "LOWEST LEVEL IN THE LEAGUE" - we beat them! Yes, it was AWESOME. Paige came and it was a lot of fun to play with her again - I LOVE SOCCER!
Sunday was just regular... nothing too exciting...
Monday was back to the grind, get ready for WORK again on Tuesday... Did finish up some of the things that I wasn't able to do on Friday and Saturday. Of course I didn't really prepare well for Tuesday because I was too busy being bummed that I had to go back - but oh well!
Sometimes I think it's nice to just be able to get caught up on life! Grateful for my mom's help in being able to do so... She is awesome! (And very good at decorating and organizing... you may be able to hire her to come help with your projects! :)